To transform the build environment and give style to human character and expression to the space in which we live.
To harness superior thinking in the creation of products that is a respond to a need, cost-efficient, sustainable and positively creative to the space in which we live.
We care deeply about people: Our Own People, Our Partners and Customers, and the communities which we belong.
Passion is the fuel that drives our culture. It defines our mindset and energises our business.
We take seriously out responsibility to the environment. Through our action we contribute towards creating a better place for future generation.
Our Vision
A vision for the future
Our vision is unambiguous, ambitious, and designed to keep us one step ahead of the market. It defines why we exist and how we intend to maintain clear leadership in our category.
We believe the concept of transformation is a crucial ingredient in our ongoing success. By creating products that are response to a need, cost-efficient, sustainable and positively creative to the space in which we live.
To transform the built environment and give human character and expression to the spaces in which we live.
Our Mission
A mission to enhance our reputation
For many years we have been known by the public that RELIANCE HOME is the biggest company manufacturing Aluminium Doors, shower screen and glass products as our products and brands are the best known and trusted in the business.
However, our promise to transform the way you live will increasingly become a reality as consumers become more familiar with our name, and experience the RELIANCE HOME brand first-hand. It will be an experience delivered by an ongoing commitment to product quality and customer service, and by adherence to our mission statement.
To harness superior thinking in the creation of products that functionallity and visually enhance the spaces in which people live whilst reducing our carbon footprint.
Our Values
Values that are embedded in our culture.
Our values are central to who we are and how we operate. We take them very seriously. We have three cornerstone values that drive our attitude and approach externally and our behaviours and expectations internally.
People, Passion, Place
We care deeply about People; our own people, our partners and customers, and the communities to which we belong.
Passion is the fuel that drives our culture. It defines our mindset and energies our business.
We take seriously our responsibility to the environment. Through our actions we contribute towards creating a better place for future generations.
Our commitment is absolute and long-term.
We will invest and innovate in order to achieve our Vision, Values, Mission